The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank

The Attic The Hiding of Anne Frank is a 1988 television film directed by John Erman, based on Miep Gies book Anne Frank Remembered. The film was broadcast as part of an ad hoc network, Kraft Golden Showcase Network.

A few days later, the van Daans join the Franks in hiding, and after some months Albert Dussel, a Jewish dentist, joins them in hiding. Miep, her husband Jan Gies, along with Mieps fellow office workers Mr Kraler, Mr Koophuis, and Elli actively helps the innocent Jews to hide. Miep is never able to keep these hiders out of her thoughts, and she does her best to protect them. But all her efforts are destroyed on August 4, 1944. The Gestapo is informed about the hiders, and they come to the building to arrest them. Mr Kraler and Mr Koophuis are arrested with the hiders, while Miep is spared because she is Austrian which was proNazi since the Anschluss took over in 1938, the year before the war started as it is Germanspeaking and the birthplace of Hitler as well as a Gentile, and Karl Silberbauer, the Gestapo officer who arrested the hiders, was also an Austrian Gentile. So, out of mercy, Silberbauer spares Miep. After the arrest, Miep and Jan go to the annex, and Miep finds Anne Franks diary in the floor of Annes room, and she collects it before the Annex is emptied by the Nazis. A day later, Miep decides to bribe Silberbauer in return of her friends, but Silberbauer denies. The war is finished a few months later, and Otto Frank safely returns to Amsterdam. Miep and Jan shelter him. Otto tells Miep that Mrs Frank had died in the Auschwitz concentration camp, and Mr van Daan was gassed by the Nazis in Auschwitz. However, Anne, Margot and Mrs van Daan were sent to the BergenBelsen concentration camp, which was not a death camp, and Otto has high hopes for them. But a few days later, a letter comes to Otto informing him that Anne and Margot died in BergenBelsen. Otto tells Miep, who is distraught. Miep takes Annes diary, which she has not read, from her drawer and gives it to Otto Frank. While Otto reads Annes diary, Miep goes to Annes room in the hiding place, and sits in a chair. She then leaves the building, and the films ends with her cycling home, as we hear her sp

Source: Wikipedia